My Story
I am “neuro-atypical” – a little messy and a little intense, but that messy intensity is my superpower. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder just before college, and boy did it cause tremendous upheaval in my life, as well as everyone else’s — in particular, my very traditional Vietnamese-immigrant family who simply did not take well to the idea that their daughter was “mentally ill.”
It took me 6+ years of drowning in psychological chaos, self-destruction, and denial before I could even start to think clearly again, let alone finish school. But in that stage of ambiguity, I found therapy, yoga, proper medication, and a few other things that helped make sifting through the mess a little easier; most importantly
— I discovered MYSELF.
I found love, compassion, and the power to keep fighting for my dreams and what makes my heart sing. I've spent the last year balancing my thesis and the work required to finish my degree with traveling the U.S. all while constantly learning, adding to my skill set, fine-tuning my strengths, and building my brand. While I'm still a mess (though who isn't these days right ?!?), I'm a functional mess thriving to share my core passion to create space, break stigmas, and empower others to embrace the messy and be uniquely and unapologetically you.

What I Do

I create through the lens of authenticity, design & storytelling.
Digital Storytelling
Content Creation
Graphic & Web Design
Social Media Strategy
Public Speaking
Brand Development
Mental Health Advocacy
Body Positivity
Mindset Coaching
Health & Wellness
Travel & Exploration

My Career
I am a Social Media Optimization Coordinator for
Sony Interactive Entertainment
Expertise Includes:
Digital Marketing Strategy
Social Media Strategy
Digital Content Curation
Multimedia Storytelling
Audience Development
Community Management
SEO & Content Optimization
Social Media Data Analytics
Copywriting & Editing
Social Video Production
Cross-Functional Collaboration
Short-Form Video Content

I am a strong believer in reaching dreams & aspirations.
Here are some of mine:
Official Youtube Channel
Mental Health Vlog & Blog
Travel Vlog & Blog
Mental Wellness Support Community